“Identity is complicated, everyone think they’ve got one”
This means that identity is complex as our identities are mediated by many factors
Case Studies:
Music artists – Rihanna, Lady Gaga
Rap – glorifying violence and sexualisation
Ever-changing fashion + trends of celebrities (Richard Dyer Star Theory)
David Buckingham:
Meaning: “this means with the constant rise in technology it can keep influencing youth’s lives in more ways”
Case study: related to London riots and how with increased technology made it easier for them to rebel in relation to the Brixton riots.
This explains how the media reflects social ideas that are relevant to how society is regulated
Encoding/Decoding Theory
This explains that the media encode messages within their texts for audiences to decode in ways which apply to their situation and personal lives.
Case Studies:
Tabloids vs. Broadsheets
London 2011 Riots
Music videos – Rihanna, Lil’ Wayne
Henry Jenkins:
Quote: “teens are constantly updating and customizing their profiles online, adding photos and posting on each other’s virtual walls.”
Meaning: this means that teens are constantly updating their life and constructing there identity.
Case study: web 2.0
Brixton riots vs London riots
Merlau Ponty
We have an embodied experience and anything in which we use our bodies to create new things with builds our identity.
This relates to youths creating online profiles on the Internet such as Facebook and Twitter and how we feel a sense of belonging because of this
Case Studies:
Web 2.0
London 2011 Riots vs. Brixton Riots
Expressing views and opinions and creating a sense of belonging online.